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Marina Carman (she/her)
Executive Director, Primary Prevention - Safe and Equal
Professional Bio
Marina leads the primary prevention focus and activity of Safe and Equal as the peak body for organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum, including primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery in Victoria. Withing this, she oversees the Primary Prevention Unit with a focus on workforce development, building and sharing specialist expertise, and contributing to stronger coordination of prevention efforts across organisations and sectors. Marina has over twenty years’ experience in research and programs for family violence prevention and responses, sexuality education, LGBTIQ health and wellbeing, and HIV treatment and prevention. She was previously Director of Rainbow Health Australia, and a policy research fellow at the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. Marina led the development of the Pride in Prevention suite of resources, and has authored a wide range of academic publications, reports, resources and practice guides. She specialises in strategic approaches to workforce capability-building, sector development and systems thinking, and evidence-based policy development.