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PreventX 2024
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Technical support

If you need technical assistance at any time during the event, please click on the blue support bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the platform - this will give you a direct line to the IT support team on the event platform.

PreventX is the national conference for those who want to create change and prevent violence against women and family violence.
Hosted by Safe and Equal, Victoria’s peak body for specialist family violence services, PreventX brings together professionals working across Australia to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women, to connect, share and learn from each other.

  • Anyone and everyone working in Australia to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women and family violence. 
  • You might be new to primary prevention and gender equality, in a leadership role, or working in a related service whose work requires engagement with primary prevention, gender equity or respectful relationships education. 
  • PreventX Online is curated to ensure relevance to attendees with diverse experience from across the primary prevention and gender equality sectors, and beyond. 
Note that PreventX Online is not designed specifically for professionals who's work is focused on responding to family violence, however response workers with an interest in primary prevention or gender equality are welcome to attend.

How much does it cost? 
  • Pre-sale tickets: $220 (GST-inclusive, ends 15 November 2023)
  • Early Bird tickets: $250 (GST-inclusive, ends 29 February 2024)
  • Concession ticket for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prevention workers: $180 (GST-inclusive)
I can no longer make it; can I get a refund? 
Please see the terms and conditions for refund here  

Date and time of conference  
Tuesday 19 March and Wednesday 20 March 2024  

Program will run across both days, from 9:30am-3:30pm with a 45-minute lunch break, and 15-minute morning and afternoon breaks each day. There will also be short breaks between each session. 

Face to Face or virtual? 
The conference will be held virtually across both days, hosted on Arinex, a virtual platform provider. 

Can I enrol for more than one person? 
Yes! Each ticket provides access to the conference platform for one attendee only.

You can either purchase each ticket individually, OR request an invoice for multiple tickets. Please note that we need an email address for each individual ticket, which will allow delegates to log-on to Arinex and set up their own individual profile. 

Can I invoice my organisation instead of paying by credit card? 
The preferred option for purchasing a ticket is to pay with a credit card. You can either pay with your organisation’s credit card or we can give you a paid invoice for your organisation to reimburse.  

If you are looking to purchase ticket for multiple people within an organisation, please request an invoice. You will need to provide an email address for each individual wishing to be enrolled. 

The cost is a barrier for me to enrol 
We have endeavoured to price PreventX tickets so that they are as accessible as possible; recognising the resourcing and funding constraints that exist across this sector, while also acknowledging the time, effort and costs that are involved in organising an event like this. However, if affordability concerns might prohibit you from purchasing a ticket and attending this conference, we strongly encourage you to reach out to us as to explore what options are available, so that you can participate in this space. 

Why do you need all this personal information? 
At Safe and Equal we collect some personal data about you, and we acknowledge that this information is personal and can be sensitive. We want to assure you that Safe and Equal treats data privacy and security as our utmost priority. For more information on our data collection, storage, and management policies, including information about instances where we may share your data with third parties, please view our Privacy Policy, located here.  

Can I purchase a ticket for just one day of the conference? 
No. Tickets are inclusive of the full two-day conference. Individual days cannot be purchased. 

When will I have access to the platform? 
Once your ticket has been purchased, you will receive an email with a link to create your profile on Arinex and access the platform.

I would like to know more about the speakers and content of PreventX. 
The full program will be announced in late February-March 2024, however we encourage you to keep an eye on this platform as we'll be adding more details and information over the next few months.

We want PreventX to be a safe space and feel safe and inclusive for everyone. Should at any time for any reason, you need to access info on further supports, take a break or speak to someone for support we have a few options.

'The Quiet Room' - We have created 'The Quiet Room' This is on the left hand side toolbar where you can go if you would like to remain in the conference but would like a quiet space.

Support tab in the left hand side toolbar - Here you will find written information on accessing support services. If you would like to chat so someone, we have a Safe and Equal team member on call throughout the conference who can offer you support and referral to a specialised service. To do this click the 'Zoom Call Button' and our team member will answer your call as soon as they can.

We have worked with platform providers Arinex to ensure this event is accessible as possible for all attendees.  

Auslan Interpreters and captioning: All plenary sessions will be supported by an Auslan interpreter, and all plenary and livestream sessions will be live captioned. Auslan interpreters and live captioning are available in other concurrent sessions on request from delegates. 

Accessible presentations: All PowerPoint presentations will also be available in accessible word document formats prior to the sessions. Our speakers have all been briefed on both speaking and preparing slides that are clear and easy to understand. 

Breaks: We have structured the program to incorporate frequent breaks, including an extended 45-minute screen break at lunch time to allow our delegates to rest and recharge for the afternoon. 

'How To' guide: There will be a plain English guide on how to use the platform, and an Arinex team member will be available for any technical issues at any time via the live chat function. 

Support staff: If at any time anyone feels stressed or overwhelmed by the content, there will be a Safe and Equal staff member available for debrief and referral. 

Quiet space: There is also a virtual quiet room where delegates can go to take a break if they choose. 

We hope that all our delegates find this to be a safe and accessible space, and we are always open to feedback if there are ways we can improve on this, in the lead up to, during and after the event. 

How do I set up my profile?
Log into the virtual event platform, click the box with your initials on the top right menu, and select 'Edit Profile'.

I can't remember my password
Click 'forgot password' on the login page to reset your password.

Will I need to download specific software or an App?
Specific software is not required. You will be provided with a weblink to the virtual event platform. Google Chrome is the recommended browser. If you typically use Internet Explorer or Safari, we recommend that you download Chrome prior to the event.

What device should I use to watch?
We strongly advise that you participate via your desktop or laptop computer/mac that has good speakers. Mobile devices are supported but the best experience will be through the desktop or laptop computer/mac.

Do I need a microphone or camera to participate?
For the Workshop sessions it is recommended you have a microphone and camera to get the full experience and participation in the workshop. For our livstream sessions, Interaction is via the chat and question functions for all livestream session.
How do I watch a live session?
Click 'Watch Live' on the day, which will be located in the top banner.

How do I submit a question to the speaker during a session?
At the bottom of the 'Live Stream' page there is a questions section where you submit any questions to the speaker during their talk. Do not use the chat function to ask the speaker a question. The chat function is for engaging with other delegates.

How many practice workshops can I enrol in?
Your PreventX ticket includes participation in practice workshops, which will run concurrent to the livestream. All PreventX delegates will be notified by email in early 2024 once workshops are open for enrolment. Workshop preferences will be allocated on a first-come basis, however we will do our best to accommodate your preferences.

Your ticket also includes access to all the livestream content during the conference and access to all recordings of the livestream sessions. That way you do not miss out on any concurrent livestream sessions.

Why can't I attend more workshops?
Workshops are capped at 30-45 people to support a space where our delegates can interact with each other and the facilitator. This means that each delegate must identify which sessions they would most like attend in order of preference, in order to ensure there is spaces for other delegates in the other workshops. Your ticket also includes access to all the livestream content during the conference and access to all recordings of the livestream sessions.

What if I enrol in the wrong workshop/s? Can I change?
Yes, you can change if the workshop/s is not already full. Please reach out using the support bubble on the bottom righthand side of the page to change your enrolment.

All livestream content is recorded and will be available for all PreventX ticket holders to watch post-event. This way you do not have to stress about missing out on any of the livestream content and speakers, particularly when participating in workshops.